T00:28:11.633Z In(05) mks CoreDump error: Read, page 0xa01 (0x21aefe) Invalid access to memory location T00:28:11.633Z In(05) mks CoreDump error: Read, page 0xa00 (0x8523ff) Invalid access to memory location T00:28:11.549Z In(05) mks Beginning monitor coredump

Who/which dept at VMware would be the best person to send the entire logfile to? While Chess Titans isn't the be-all and end-all of my VM life, the total (and repeatable) collapse of this application left my VM in a bit of a mess (luckily, I had a recent backup), and in short, for now, I have reverted to Workstation Pro 16. OOPS! Bang, crash, I dialog popped up which I tried to capture with "Print Screen", but could not paste into my Windows 10 environment the last items on the VMWARE,LOG file before a message about how to contact support, are shown below. In testing Windows 7 (32-bit), which I use as part of my workflow for legacy applications, and to pass files to/from my MS-DOS 8 VM, I decided to run my favourite pass-the-time game, Chess Titans.

Installation when smoothly, and after some some jiggery pokery with shared folders, I had my most important VMs up and running smoothly. Yesterday I purchased my Workstation Pro 17 / Fusion Pro 13 serial number, and set about installing the former on my WIndows 10 22H2 PC.