When Spider-Man first swung on the scene, New Yorkers feared his Spider Powers. It’s expected to offer more explanation on the inner workings of the mysterious new energy source. In response, the energy giant has planned a public relations push with its charming new Head of Research and Development, Simon Krieger, to reinforce Nuform’s possibilities. She asks viewers, “How can we trust its future in Harlem when Roxxon hasn’t stepped up in the past?” Morales also claimed that Roxxon, New York City’s main power supplier, has a history of neglecting East Harlem and the power outages it’s endured.

“We cannot accept Nuform until Roxxon shows valid proof of its efficacy and safety,” she boldly claims in her ad. She called out the company’s repeated failure to provide any evidence that proves Nuform is not dangerous. Morales employed her background in science to point out the lengthy process of finalizing new discoveries - like chemicals or energies - for public use. When the lines blur between his personal and crime-fighting lives, he discovers who he can trust, and what it feels like to truly be home.As Roxxon’s presence in East Harlem grows, City Council candidate Rio Morales has come out with a blistering ad questioning its new energy product, Nuform, and the company’s reliability as a responsible energy provider.

To save all of Marvel’s New York, Miles must take up the mantle of Spider-Man and own it. But when a fierce power struggle threatens to destroy his new home, the aspiring hero realizes that with great power, there must also come great responsibility.