The game has some problems with the language recognition, so you should run the cmd.exe via the dos prompt and then set the language.Take the gorgeous graphics of SimCity 2000 and combine them with the intricate economic model of Railroad Tycoon, and what do you get? Transport Tycoon, an instant classic. Installation instructions are located inside the Readme.txt file which is included in the archive itself, but you can also find it under extras! Please read it before posting your problems in the forum! Looking for some alternate music/vechiles/buildings/other custom goodies? Visit this wonderful TT-Forums community full of Transport Tycoon enthusiasts! If you had problem running this game or wanted to play it over network you can always play OpenTTD, a new open source port which also has multiplayer support and some other improvements. I have not tested the game on 2000/9x systems so I would appreciate anyone who has done this to post a comment in the forum discussion! There are no real compatibility issues to be discussed as it runs smoothly in WinXP and Windows ME.

There is an in-game tutorial included for the beginners, while hardcore tycoons may try their luck in a scenario right away.

Experienced players will be happy to hear that AI has also been significantly improved, so playing against it on a hard difficulty level will not be a breeze, but more of a tornado.Īll these small, but significant changes should make the playing of this, already immensely entertaining game, even more enjoyable. Of course, perhaps the best new feature is the possibility of running it in Windows XP, without worrying about sound or compatibility. This version was published in 1996 as a facelift for its, already outdated, predecessor.ĭeluxe edition preserves the original idea and gameplay, but adds some spice in form of premade scenarios, the scenario editor, improved graphics and a few new environments in which you can play (such as desert and winter).

WinXP patch) is nothing more than an upgrade of already magnificent Transport Tycoon.