For the most part the gameplay remains exactly the same, which means that you still won't be able to jump. True to the original game Bionic Commando: Rearmed remains a 2D action game, even though every element is now rendered using full 3D polygons. In order to do this Radd is going to have to kill hundreds of enemies, hack into the enemy's communication towers, find all sorts of weapon upgrades and be incredibly lucky. Radd is tasked with saving Super Joe, a fellow member of the Federation who somehow, despite his name, was able to get kidnapped by Generalissimo Killt and his B.A.D.D. In Bionic Commando: Rearmed you play Radd Spencer, a special commander fitted with a custom bionic arm that allows him to deflect bullets and, most importantly, fire out a grappling hook that will allow him to climb and swing out of danger. This is not one of those games where you'll feel like you're missing something if you're too young (or just unfamiliar) with the original title, but at the same time the game works on another layer that actually makes it even more rewarding for those who remember fighting the evil B.A.D.D organization two decades ago.

Like many of Capcom's other updated remakes (including Mega Man: Powered Up and the GameCube Resident Evil remake), Bionic Commando: Rearmed works both as a fun nostalgia trip for gamers of a certain age and an exciting action game for those new to the series. Instead it's a surprisingly relevant action/platformer that plays great, looks even better and feels just as relevant today as it did all those years ago.

But Bionic Commando: Rearmed, Capcom's inspired remake of the 1987 Nintendo Entertainment System game, is not your typical Xbox Live Arcade title.

Throw into the mix the fact that you can't jump and you might think that this game is downright archaic, the type of product that should remain a relic of the good old 8-bit days.

You would think that a remake of a 20 year old 2D action game may not stand up against all of the big 3D games being released at the same time.